Signup to July's YBR
>> Sunday, July 24, 2011
It's time to signup for another edition of our monthly event, YBR or Your Best Recipes. Most of you know how it works, but those that don't below are the rules. Thanks and welcome to another moth of YBR!
Very important and in order to participate: Please, Please submit/email your information in the following format:
-Your Name
- Your Blog Name
- Name and link to your chosen recipe
- A small image of your dish. You must own the photo, and it cannot be a creative commons or public domain photo.
- Say whether you'd like to be included in the draw for the Honest Cooking feature. (Participation is optional, and open to those not currently contributing to Honest Cooking.)
If you fail to submit all the required information you risk not being included in the roundup. As you can imagine having to chase after or figure out the proper names and links for your posts is very time consuming. So please adhere to my request. Thank you guys!
- Your Blog Name
- Name and link to your chosen recipe
- A small image of your dish. You must own the photo, and it cannot be a creative commons or public domain photo.
- Say whether you'd like to be included in the draw for the Honest Cooking feature. (Participation is optional, and open to those not currently contributing to Honest Cooking.)
If you fail to submit all the required information you risk not being included in the roundup. As you can imagine having to chase after or figure out the proper names and links for your posts is very time consuming. So please adhere to my request. Thank you guys!

Your Best Recipe, a monthly roundup of your best recipes hosted by Spicie Foodie. There are no limitations as to what you can submit, anything goes. No limits on your kitchen nor photography skill, everyone is invited to join. This is not a competition, it is just a showcase of great food being cooked all over the world. And here is how you can participate :
Requirements to participate:
1. It has to be a recipe that you published in JULY, and it has to be a recipe that you feel was your favorite one posted that month. It can be anything your heart desires. Your submitted recipe can be your own creation or one that you adapted from another foodie, just give them credit on your post.
2. Sign up to July's roundup by leaving a comment saying you'd like to participate. I will add your name and your url to the list of participants below.
3. You must choose and display any of the following badges to invite your visitors to the roundup being hosted here.
Right click images to save or get code to embed on your site here:

The badge below, you can add a small thumb of your dish. If you need help or would like the PSD file just shoot me an email, or read the tutorial here YBR Badge Tutorial (how to insert your photo). Some participants like to use this badge below on a new blog post inviting their readers to see the roundup.

This small button can be added to a post and/or your blog's side bar, if you wish.

4. By the 29th of July please email me at spiciefoodie (@) the following, in the exact format: (If you fail to submit all the required information you risk not being included in the roundup.)
- Your Name
- Your Blog Name
- Name of your best/chosen recipe
- Link to your best/chosen recipe
- A small image of your dish. You must own the photo, and it cannot be a creative commons or public domain photo.- Say whether you'd like to be included in the draw for the Honest Cooking feature. (Participation is optional, and open to non-contributors for Honest Cooking.)
On July 31st, the last day of the month, I will post the roundup photos with a link to each of your sites and recipes. It would also be good if you invite your readers to the roundup by also posting a new blog entry or mentioning your participation in a new post (the last day of the month or after) on your blogs with a YBR badge and a link to the roundup here on Spicie Foodie. This way we can all help spread the YBR submitted love around even more!
If you need any help or clarifications post a comment or send me an email. I'll make sure to post a reminder as we get closer to the deadline.
If you need any help or clarifications post a comment or send me an email. I'll make sure to post a reminder as we get closer to the deadline.
~ Nancy, Spicie Foodie
~ Carrie, Witchy Kitchen
~ Concetta, Concetta's Cafe
~ Claudia L., Whats Cookin Italian Cuisine
~ Lizzy , That skinny chick can bake!!!
~ Tanja, Tanja's Cooking Corner
~ Lauren, Spiced Plate
~ Kelly, Eat Yourself Skinny!
~ German Mama, German Mama
~ Lynne, 365 Days of Baking
~ Patty, Patty's Food
~ Alina, Explora Cuisine
~ Ann, Anncoo Journal
~ Adora, Adora's Box
~ Jill, Dulce Dough
~ Christine, Christine's Pantry
~ Pola M., Cooking Italian In The Midwest
~ Veronica G., My Catholic Kitchen
~ Free Spirit Eater, Free Spirit Eater
~ Ann, Cooking Healthy For Me
~ Julie, Gourmet Getaway
~ Maya, Foodiva's Kitchen
~ Larua, Sprint To The Table
~ Amy, Gastronome TartTable
~ Heather, girlichef
~ Erin, Dinners, Dishes, and Desserts
~ Jessica, Bacon and Souffle
~ Emily, Cleanliness is Next to Godliness
~ Victoria, Mission: Food
~ Sandra L. , The Sweet Sensations
~ Giulietta , Alterkitchen
~ Citra, My Home Diary in Turkey
~ Taka Pasta, Tadka Pasta
~ Magic of Spice, The Ardent Epicure
~ Hamburger Eats Me, Hamburger Eats Me
~ Elin, Elinluv's Tidbits Corner
~ Marsha, The Harried Cook
~ Priscilla, She's Cookin'
Thanks so much for doing all this work for us I know you spend alot of time on this project to help spread the word on blogs. I truly appreciate your hosting and gracious generousity of your time! Thanks again Claudia @What's Cookin'
I'm in!!! Looking forward to all the wonderful submissions~
@Claudia, Its really my pleasure and the work is totally worth it:) Oh the sweet yummy regards.
@Lizzy, Great! Me too :)
I would also love to participate! Thank you for hosting this lovely project! :)
This is exciting! I'm totally in...I'll be sending you an email this afternoon! Thank you so much for organizing this -- I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone submits!
This is so great! About to e-mail you my information, this will be my first time! :)
That sounds like a fun idea. I'd like to join.
@Tanja, Laure, Kelly and German Mama, Welcome to your 1st YBR!!
Nancy, Count me in, please! Thank you so much for doing this! It was so much fun last month and I can't wait to see all of those wonderful dishes from July!
Hi Nancy, hmmmm, have to think about which one is going to be my submission this month! I was thrilled to win the feature at Honest Cooking last month-congratulations to the lucky winner of July YBR- a head of time;-)
Already sent the email Nancy :) Love your YBR!!!
Hi Nancy, Thanks for hosting! I'm in again for this month :)
Nancy, I would like to this month's YBR please. Thank you.
I would love to participate again Nancy!
Hi Nancy,
I'd like to participate again!
I'd love to participate! I'll email you my information. Thanks for the great idea!!
Is it already time for signup:)) I am in for this month, thanks for hosting it again!!!:)
I forgot..if you don't mind I would love if you could include me in draw for honest cooking! Thanks xoxo
I'm in. I'll send you my info now. Thanks.
I missed it last month but I'm in this month!!!
Thank you Nancy for hosting this each month. I love YBR. Even when I dont participate,I love seeing everyones dishes.
Yay! I can't wait to send one in, but I'll send in a recipe I'm doing this week. Also wanted to let you know you have a blog award waiting for you on my site, congratulations! Please stop by to claim it. =]
I am so excited to be participating in my first YBR! Thank you for hosting and showcasing such amazing blogs!
Thanks so much for having this! Please include me! I'm so excited!
Ann - Cooking Healthy For Me (
After a bit of research - I think I found it! Please include me in the draw for Honest cooking! Thanks!
Hi Nancy, I would like to participate again. I'm looking forward to see a lot of wonderful recipes at the round-up! :)
Count me in again for this months round up :)
Oh and for the honest cooking draw too.
Hiya Nancy, I'll be participating as usual. I always enjoy your roundups and of course, thanks for being the ever gracious host! Will email you my post details soon.
I would love to participate again!
Hey Nancy! If at all possible, I would love to enter this month again (Missed July by accident) Anyhow, I will be sending along an email. Thanks!
I will be participating this month, Nancy :)
I would love to participate again! Weill be sending you an email in a minute!
I would love to participate again, Nancy! Thanks again for hosting YBR!
I'm in it!
Hi Nancy! I'm participating again! Just sent you an email :) Thanks!
I'm in and have sent you my information. Thank You!!
I'd like to participate... I'll send you an e-mail veeeery soon! :)
I hope I'm not late for this july round up .. :)
We'd love to participate, will send you the details shortly. Thanks!
Yikes! I will send it over in the morning :)
This is so great! Just submitted. Can't wait to see everyone's delicious dishes! :)
Hope I haven't missed the deadline! This month flew by! I'm emailing you now....
I forgot to mention that I would love to participate for the draw for honest cooking! Thanks,
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