Sugar and Spice, and Everything Nice! Why Women's Health Magazine Likes Me
>> Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This is what they featured:

So another thank you to Penny for the inspiration and amazing recipe!
You can find me on their front page under What We're Reading This Week as well as the permanent What We're Reading This Week page. I'd love it if you guys stopped by and said hello:) Hope to see you there!
Since I love WHM so much I have a few links you guys may be interested in reading. Theye are a few of my favorites articles published lately.
Food: A Love/Hate Story
Chocolate Fondue Anyone?
5 Meals Every Woman Should Know How to Make
A Cleanse That Isn't Crazy
For you busy people out there, a gourment meal IS within your reach:
Gourmet Microwave Meals
And one of our best resources:
The Rodale Healthy Recipe Finder
The Rodale Healthy Recipe Finder
Congrats!!! That is awesome!
Thank you :) !
Very cool! That's wonderful!
Thanks Laura :)!
Yes, congrats.
Congratulations! How cool is that? Your recipe and picture are wonder you were featured!
@Calogero, Thanks !
@Jill, Thank you for your sweet words :)
Nancy, how exciting!!!! Congratulations!!!
Congrats Nancy...this is exiting news..So happy for you!!!
@Lynne and Sandra, Thank you both :)
Good for you, Nancy. Awesome!
How amazing are you?!
Congratulations, Nancy! Beautiful salad. Exquisite photos.
Finally!! Finally I found another blogger who LOVES spicy FOOD!!! Wow...i like your blog. I am newbie in the whole blog-sphere. I look forward to trying out your recipe. The foods look good! Yumm...
*hungry now!
I ADORE ethnic foods!! I always try to make my own foods because I know what ingredients I added to my food. It is more healthy than eating outside.
Hey Nancy,
Nice to know this news.. I am sure you are on seventh sky well you deserved it... from bottom of my heart good luc and wishes n god bless u... keep up d good work.
Congrats!!! That is so cool!
@Lazaro, Emily & Adora, Thank you guys :)
@Gria Loka, Welcome and glad to meet another ethnic and spicy food lover:)
@Maria, Hehe, thanks!
@Erin, Thank you!
So awesome!!! Congratulations!
Congrats... awesome!
I think they love you because your recipes are really healthy and not too difficult to prepare. :)
@Nikki, Thanks!
@Christine, Thank you!
@Michelle, Hehe, thank you :)
HUGE! No MAJOR! No, no, no, AMAZING!!! :D
Hehe Tiffany :) Thanks!
Thats great! Congrats on the link in Womens Health!
Congratulations Nancy, you are one of my inspirations;-)
Congratulations on the Women's Health Mag mention!
How exciting!!
So exciting, what an awesome treat for you!
Congrats, Nancy! Great going... I would be doing a little dance too! This is really amazing :)
CONGRATULATIONS! Some how - I'm not have a great blog!
CONGRATS!!!! ABRAZOS!!! love it!!
Congratulations Nancy. A very well deserved spot.
WTG! and rightfully so!
Congrats, Nancy! We're doing a happy dance with you :)
Congrats Nancy!!! You deserve to be on that magazine. Wishing you all the success in the near future :)
WOW! Congratulations! Your blog is so well done...with such beautiful photography! I can see why you were chosen for this feature :)
Congratulations! Well deserved! What took them so long?
That is so awesome! I love that magazine too! Congrats!
Thank you everyone for your sweet comments. They mean alot to me :)
Congratulations! We just found your blog and it does seems amazing, no wonder they chose you for their magazine!
Greetings :)
Mi Maseca USA
aweosome , way to go !!
Congratulations sweetie! I will pop over and take a look :)
Whoohoo! Congratulations, that's fantastic, I'm so happy for you!
Total congratulations!!! How exciting :D
Am I late to the Congratulations party? No, never too late...I'm soooo happy your blog got featured, totally deserved, Nancy!
Thank you everybody!!! You guys are always so sweet and supportive. I really appreciate it.
Congratulations. I never heard of this magazine before so thanks for making me aware of them.
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