Happy Thursday everyone! Today I hope that it will be extra happy Thursday for the lucky winner of the CSN sponsored $75 giveaway. The number was chosen using Random.org random number generator and here is the winning number,
The winning number was picked by Green Girl @ A little bit of everything, Congratulations!!! Roxana I will be sending you an email with the details. I can't wait to see what you buy, how exciting. Of course big thanks to CSN and all of their team for sponsoring the giveaway. Everyone please make sure you stop by and take a look at all of their wonderful products like their wide range of
The next thing I would like to tell you about is the 2011 Spicie Foodie Calendar. Over the past several months I have been receiving emails from many of you requesting a wall calendar, and about 8 or so of you ask for a wall calendar with recipes. It took me a little while to finish it but here it is and I hope you like.

It is a 12 month full color calendar for 2011 and all 12 months/photos have a recipe to go with them. Some are from my archives, some from my cookbook and some never before published. It is now available for sale to everyone and anyone all over the world.
Stop by here to get your copy and get a full preview.And now for the Awesome Brownies! These brownies are soft, moist, addictive, chocolate heaven awesomeness. For years I've tried to make the perfect brownies trying countless recipes from various sources because let's face it the boxed kind just don't cut it. I've never been quite satisfied with the recipes I tried, I tried all sorts of recipes to no avail. Gross, one time I even tried one made with Baileys that I thought would be delicious and was so disgusting I threw it all out and I loathe throwing out food.

You know how on every episode of House he gets that epiphany look on his face? That was the look I had when I finally realized I should go to the source. The source being Hershey. My dad is an avid and very talented baker that will put many professional bakers to shame. He makes the best Mexican breads and Polish Kolachky among many other great treats. He always had Hershey cocoa and products in the house and I remember the brownie recipes. Here in Prague they don't sell Hershey products but here comes the internet to the rescue again, yay internet! I've been using this recipe for the past year and every time it yields delicious results. Soft, moist and to a chocoholic almost orgasmic. The anticipation is high, the smell in the air can be torturous and I can never wait for them to cool off before taking my first bite. Pure heaven! ( enter happy dance here, hehe)

I follow the recipe as it's stated but only make some changes like I've added 1 tsp. of instant coffee for a different taste. I don't often include the nuts for a more pure chocolate taste. The recipe also has a creamy brownie frosting recipe but again depending on my mood I will or will not make.
These heavenly brownies are ones that must be shared with friends. Though it's hard to hand over the box of freshly baked brownies and watch it disappear as you watch your friend carry it off down the sidewalk. You wipe the tears and hurry back home to bake yourself another batch. Don't worry you can do an extra hour of yoga this week to burn off all the oh so worthy extra calories. Brownies for breakfast, oh yes that's the breakfast of champions. This has been the confessions of a brownie addict and her chocolate vice. Enjoy the recipe and you can find it here,
I love that you are using a hershey recipe! Sometimes I feel like we try to overcomplicate things and make them just too fancy. The answer might be the simplest thing! :)
I've been meaning to make some brownies for a while, thanks for the reminder and nudge of encouragement!
Hi Roxan, You are so right often we do try to overcomplicate things. I'm glad I can remind you to get your brownie fix :)
Congrats Roxanna enjoy and these brownies are amazing!
Congratulations to our lovely Green Girl :)
Nancy this calendar is gorgeous and great idea to add recipes for each month, congratulations :)
The brownies do look delicious and I love the little add of coffee, yum
Congrats Green Girl!
Nancy calendar is beautiful and the little delicious chocolate treat named brownies:))) look so good!
Congrats to Green Girl! I love her blog, hope she will tell us what she buys with the giftcard!
What I can see of your calendar is gorgeous, Nancy!
Ooh, those brownies look so good, Nancy. They seem almost like a cake brownie. Or like a cake made love to a brownie-smile. Yeah!
I'm going to run over and look at your calendar link now...
p.s. congrats to Roxanna-that's so extra nice at this time of year:)
yeee, I won, my very first prize
Thank you Nancy
The calendar looks awesome, just like the book, stunning photos and great recipes.
And those brownies look so yummy
I love that you have a calendar - what a grand idea. Congrats to Green Girl - lucky Green Girl. And the brownies are moist and rich and I am in the mood now ... uh oh.
These brownies look super fudgy- they're sure to be delicious! That is one lucky friend to be on the receiving end.
I am thinking of baking brownies tonight as well! :)
lovely calender your great at photography
Oooohhh Yummy Brownies and a glorious display! This is a delicious recipe, I have prepared them several times. BTW, your calendar is absolutely stunning!
beautiful calendar, brownies and pictures
congrats to the winner
El pelirojo siempre se queja that I never make him brownies. I might have to calm the fuss by trying these out!
Congratulations to Green Girl...and what lovely brownies you shared with us. I'm hankering for some chocolate now! Thank you so much for sharing. I hope you have a lovely Friday!
Good luck with calendar sales. I always like your chocolate posts.
I really like the last paragraph!!!!!
Hi Nancy, The roundup for November and your moist chocolatey brownies are all making me hungry. I have to stay home long enough to get into the roundup:) Great job and thanks for the brownie recipe link. Have a nice weekend.
That calendar is stunningly gorgeous! Nice work! These brownies are pretty darn gorgeous as well. I always use Hershey but have never tried their recipe before. Go figure. I guess I need to try it because your look really, really good!
Congrast Green Girl! Enjoy the giftcard! :)
Do you have anything else hidden from us Nancy?! The calendar is gorgeous and I love the idea of recipe included!
WOW! From what I can see in your post, your calendar is AMAZING! I am thoroughly impressed by you. WOW! And on top of that, your brownies here are gorgeous and would go perfect with the vanilla ice cream I am eating. :( Wish I had some now....
Yay for Green Girl and the brownies! Nothing beat homemade brownies!
Those look so good! "Made-from-scratch" beats "boxed" any day!
Congrats to the lucky winner!
These brownies look amazing!
Congrats to the winner
Oh Nancy...you are working so hard that I'm starting to feel guilty...
Good for you !!!! The calendar is beautiful !!!
Hershey!!! I used to use this recipe all the time before I became vegan. I should dig it back out and try to vegan-ize it. Also, I love your House reference. I love that show so much.
Those brownies look absolutely delightful! I thought I didn't need another excuse to indulge in something this decadent, but will have to try your recipe!
Congratulations to your giveaway winner, and those brownies look incredibly yummy and moist and ooo!! A calendar!! I like! Gonna go check it out now :)
These brownies are stunningly mouth-watering. And what a beautiful calendar! lovely!
Those brownies are amazing- they look perfectly done. I've made many of the Hershey's recipes and they've never disappointed me. Beautiful calendar!
Blog, food, photos, calendar...all BEAUTIFUL!!! :)
the brownies looks very tempting!beautiful calendar!
Beautiful calender, beautiful brownies! :)
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