I can finally share with you what I've been working on↓
AN EPIPHANY OF THE SENSES, An Eclectic Recipe Collection Guaranteed To Awaken Your Senses. It is with great joy and pleasure that I present to you my cookbook.

It's been many months of planning and typing, many recipe testings, many photographs, many late nights, many stressful days, many glasses of wine, several drafts, many nights of feeding my husband bad dinners because I had deadlines to meet, even many "Ouch, I think my butt is numb from sitting too long". But I'm so happy to finally show everyone the big "secret" project I have been pouring all of my energy and soul into. It is specially wonderful to be able to share it with you my most loyal and supportive readers and new foodie friends. You the ones who take the time to visit my blog and read my words.
The doorbell rang very early in the morning, we were still in bed, and as usual when the doorbell rings that early I make my husband get up to answer it (I know I'm mean, hehe). He came back to our bedroom telling me that I had to sign for the package. I'm not a morning person and I was so out of it I didn't even image that it was my cookbook being delivered. The FedEx guy handed me the electronic thingy to sign and I quickly saw what the package was,
woohoo! I don't think I even signed my name, it looked more like hieroglyphics. I ran back to bed and ripped open the package. When I saw the book it was like Christmas had come early for me. I couldn't contain the joy nor wipe the smile off my face. We laid in our warm bed flipping through the book, I still smiling and thinking to myself this is the ultimate payoff from all my hard work. My sweet dear husband, who is always so supportive of me, telling me how proud of me he is and saying how great he thought the book looked, that was the cherry on top. I could never get tired of hearing him say that to me.
I dedicated the cookbook to him (my husband) because of all the love, support and encouragement he has always given me. I have also dedicated it to you, the loyal followers and readers of Spicie Foodie. You the ones who have encouraged me to keep going and learning, for always being supportive and always having nothing but warm friendship and kind comments for me, Thank you. (You know who you are)
I spent the past 6 months cataloging, typing and photographing my favourite recipes to include in the book. The result has been an eclectic recipe collection that is guaranteed to awaken your senses. All recipes are dishes I love both to eat and cook on a regular basis. A few of the recipes included have been published on my blog but are fundamental recipes both in my kitchen and to the book. The remaining majority are new recipes never before published.
This 64 page, 7.5' wide × 7.5' tall, Full color, paperback book is filled with the scent and flavors of my kitchen and my adventures into the culinary world. A must have cookbook with healthy recipes bursting with delicious flavours, aromas and exotic spices. The perfect eclectic recipe collection both for the seasoned cook and the novice foodie.
I hope you enjoyed a small preview of my cookbook. If you would like to let your taste buds travel to an exotic world and leave with a few new epiphanies as souvenirs, please stop by and purchase your
copy here.
Congrats on your cookbook! That is very exciting news indeed and it does look beautiful. :)
You've got a great blog and now a beautiful cookbook. The cover is absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations, I can't imagine how thrilled you must be.
Oh Nancy, that is so exciting!!! The book looks gorgeous and I may have to put it on my Xmas list. And I take it that is you in the top photo...YOU are gorgeous too!!!
Congrats Nancy! I love everything about the book. Photos, cover, and I can imagine that the recipes are amazing!
@BunkyCooks, Lea Ann & Sandra, Thank you :)
@Carolyn, Thank you I hope Santa brings it for you :) Yes that is me, you are so sweet ( I'm blushing) .
Congratulations! It looks absolutely gorgeous. Where can we buy it?
Hi Frank, Thank you! The links are above for the Amazon listing, or use this link :
Hi Nancy,
I'm so so so proud of you and congrats for the cookbook. It looks fabulous and I finally see the "real you" (Oh my god, You're a sweet and beautiful lady. ) I will certainly purchase one when I get pay. lol
Hi Liv,
Thank you, you are such a sweetie :)
Gorgeous looking book, recipes and photos. I'm Liv's husband but we'll definitely be buying one of your books in the very near future.
Hi Chris,
Thank you so much :) I hope you and Liv enjoy my little book.
Wow, how exciting! Congrats on your stunning cookbook - I love the title you selected. it's also wonderful to see how beautiful you are :)
Hi Priscilla,
Thank you so much, glad to hear you like the title. :)
Nancy,I don't even know where to begin...or how to tell you how excited and proud I am for and of you. I am sure you know, so I will just say that the book is absolutely gorgeous. This will definitely be added to the very long list (three total)of cookbooks I have ever purchased :)
Huge hugs, Alisha
I can't thank you enough for all of your support and friendship. It really means alot to me. (I'm tearing up) I am so honored that you would include my cookbook on your very long list :) hehe. Hugs to you too.
wow, congratulations on your cookbook! both you and the book look beautiful! hope it sells out! :)
Hi Brie,
Thank you so much! ( I hope so too, hehe )
You have fulfilled most of our foodie blogger's dreams. Congrats
Hi Evelyne, Thank you :)
Wow Nancy this is an incredible dream come true, wishing you the biggest success on your new endeavor and many many good things to come! Congratulations way to go!
Hi Claudia, Thank you so much :)
So excited for you Nancy! I just ordered myself an early x-mas present! Can't wait to make some of your recipes! You must be walking on air right now! Your are way to beautiful to not have your face all over this blog.
Congratulations! I am sure your cookbook will be a huge success, it looks fantastic! I can't wait to get it!
Sooooooooooooooo I am going to order that book on the 30th! I am soooo proud, and I agree you are GAWJUS! Can not wait to dig into this! I love your recipes so much. You've inspired me in so many ways! Will pass this on!
wow,congratulations,such a goooood news from you ,nancy,i'm so happy to see your cookbook!looks gorgeous!
@Gina, You are such a sweetheart THANK you so much ! :)
@Tiffany, Thank you:)
@Sommer, Thank you Sommer! You're so sweet :)
@Alison, Thank you :)
This looks beautiful! Kudos to you and all you accomplished - I'm sure there was a ton of hard work - but oh how worth it. I shall be checking it out on Amazon. Congrats. Savor.
Hi Claudia,
Thank you :) Yes it was alot of hard work and absolutely worth every second of it all.
Way to go, Nancy. It looks just beautiful.
Congrats on your cookbook! it looks fantastic!
WOW!!! Congrats!!! Its great to see all your hard work printed, I'm sure! Great job!!! Did you self-publish? Looking forward to hearing the details! Looks gorgeous as all your stuff does!
@Gayle, Dimah and muybuenocookbook, Thank you guys :)
Congratulations! How exciting! It sounds like a very hard work. It's such a great job that you must be proud of yourself.
Zerrin, Thank you :)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! This is SOOOOOO gorgeous and beautiful and so super happy for you and for us to have you documented. =)
Nancy, the cookbook looks gorgeous! Congratulations!
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm :)
Thank you :)
Beautiful book. Looks like you did an amazing job on it. :)
Congrats!! Your book looks beautiful. You have every right to feel very proud of yourself. Well done.
Hi Nancy! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your kind comments. CONGRATULATIONS on your cook book!!! This must be a VERY exciting time for you. I am fairly new to your blog so I must take some time now to check out your dishes.
Once again, CONGRATS!!
congratulations on your book! it looks beautiful and you did an amazing job on it :) will definitely grab my copy but i'm sure hoping i can get your signature on it one day :)
wow congrats it looks amazing so proud of you
I love your cookbook, it is so beautiful! Congratulations, I'm ordering it now!
Big Congrats to you!:)) This is really great news...:)
Nancy, I can't tell how good it looks! Well done and congrats!
Nancy, you sneaky thing! This is fabulous, it looks absolutely stunning! A huge congratulations to you, what a feat and I wish you all the very best in the success of this :)
I'm not sure which is more beautiful: YOU or the cookbook!
Congratulations. What a gift!
Congratulations Nancy!!! I am so proud to say that I know you!! What an incredible accomplishment, I hope you have time to enjoy the fruit of your efforts now that all the hard work is behind! Wow....I am so happy for you!!
Best wishes always
Nancy a huge congrats on your first cookbook, the pictures look beautiful and I can't wait to pick up my copy. YOU ROCK!!!!
This book looks amazing, a HUGE congrats to you bc I know it is an incredible amount of work and a labor of love! I wish you all the success you deserve! :)
happy to hear the news well done the books looks beautiful
Ai por favor, Nancy! Que hermosa eres! Felicitaciones :) I know what's going on my wish list for Reyes!
What a gorgeous book! Congratulations on doing this. You are truly living the dream!
Wow! Congratulations! That's a spectacular achievement and an even more spectacular-looking book!
Big announcement indeed!!! Congratulations! This looks beautiful, Nancy. Can't wait to get my copy.
Briarrose, Zana, Kimberly,January,Chow&Chatter,Patty, Flaming Pot, Miriam, Conor, Emily, Chef Dennis, Joy, The Cilantropist, Torviewtoronto, Rocio,Kathy and Rich , Thank you all for all for all of the congratulations and well wishes!
Congrats! I can totally feel those stressful days! but it's now over. Yay!
Wow! Congratulations!!! The cookbook looks wonderful!
Tigerfish, Thank you :)
Simply Life, Thank you:)
This looks like an absolutely gorgeous cookbook. Congratulations! A labor of love no doubt.
Hi Lora, Thank you so much :)
Kudos to you for undertaking such an enormous and consuming project! It looks like you have created something to be incredibly proud of.
Hi Trix, Thank you very much :)
¡Felizidades! Que bonita! Muchas suerte Nancy. :)
Congrats, Nancy!!! Your hard work has paid off. The cover and inside photos are gorgeous and the recipes are presumably delicious. Something to be very proud of!
@Lady Fromage, Thank you:)
@Patty, Muchas Gracias :)
@Trish, Thank you so much:)
The book sounds great and the photos are perfect
Your 6 months hard work is finally being acknowledged
Congras babe! Well done. Can I please have your autograph please.
Congratulations!!! What an awesome achievement! I am off to Amazon to purchase your book. Could you do a blog post telling the story about how this came to be. I am sure there are many bloggers who would love to go down this path also.
Thanks for passing from my blog and it's great meeting you. I can relate with everything you have written because I've been there and know all the hard work involved to get the book ready. I can't wait to get mine in my hands!! Congratulations, the book cover is beautiful, so are the pictures inside and I am sure the recipes as well. It's a great gift for Christmas so I am off to make it a gift to myself. Wish you all the best.
Congrats on your book!!:)
Oh Nancy, just from this sneak peek at your site, I can tell this cookbook is super gorgeous! I believe you when you said you've put a lot of heart into this book because the pictures just tell it all. Congratulations, I'm so proud to know you and needless to say, I've already placed an order for it!
Congrats dear on launching your amazing cookbook!
That's so awesome, Nancy. I can tell the cookbook is really beautiful just from your photos. And I will send this link to everyone I know with a hint hint for towards it as a Christmas gift idea;)
Oh, and you're too cute!
XO, Stella
Green Girl,Penny, Gourmet Gateway,Ivy, Dr. Sameena, Foodiva, Treat and Trick and Stella,
Thank you all so much for your kind words :)
Wow! This is my first time here and I can't believe I didn't find you sooner. Congratulations on your cookbook! It's elegant, beautiful and tasty all wrapped up into one! I can't wait to look into it more! Will it be available at the brick and mortar book stores as well?
Where was I????? I'm SO sorry Nancy !!!! With so many things on my mind, I am behind reading blogs !!!!
Wooowwww!!!!!! CONGRATS !!!!! Your book is amazing!!! The photos are great (but we grew accustomed to that with you!) and the recipes seem to be "buenisimas". From the bottom of my heart, I wish the best of luck with this book !! I feel proud of you !!! and I hope the book will be a best seller in all the bookstores!!
With all my admiration for you!!! Un beso, Cristina
Congratulations! It's obvious that the book is gorgeous! And one that I need to own! I'm adding it to my Xmas list. This is my first time visiting - found you through Facebook - and I'm a fan already! It was instant love.
EEEEK!! That's soooo exciting, Nancy! I am beyond happy for you, it looks gorgeous and knowing you, it surely is! I'm off to check it out :D Felicidades!!!!!!!
Congratulations on your cookbook, it looks gorgeous! Very exciting!
@Julie, it's available on Amazon right now & the link is on the top of the page.
@Cristina, Thank you so much Cristina and un besito tambien amiga:)
@Reeni, Thank you and I hope Santa brings you your gift:)
@Heather, Hehe I love it Eeeek! :) Gracias
@Natasha, Thank you so much :)
congratulations on your awesome cookbook! it looks amazing. you are so cute!!
How absolutely fantastic! Congratulations!!!!
@Krissy, Thank you so much:)
@Katiez, Thank you so much:)
Looks gorgeous! Congratulations! Looking forward to trying the recipes out for myself.
my darling beautiful sister, you have done an amazing job!!! I am so proud to be your chickle!! I anxiously await a copy of your book and maybe a calander ;-D
@ FamilySpice, Thank you :)
@ My Beautiful Little Sister,
Thank you darling and it means more than I can tell you. You will always be my chickle and I'll always be proud of it :) Hehe I'll put it on the list :) Love you bunches!
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